
So macam mana hubungan kita boleh long last ? Entah aku pun tak tahu . Tapi keywords dia 'sayang' . Yes kalau sayang kita sanggup buat apa je . Betul . Kita sanggup go through almost everything ups and downs dalam rship kita tu . Niat kena betul . Rship kita mesti untuk kekal . Rship kita mesti wujud sebab cinta . Sebab sayang . Ingat rship bukan benda senang kita ambil senang kita buang . I date to marry . Bukan kata rship aku tak tunggang langgang . Ada . Tapi sebab sayang tu la yang buat kita sanggup tahan dan kuat untuk hadapi semua dugaan tu . Rship pun takkan jadi kalau bertepuk dari sebelah pihak je . Dua dua mesti kuat bagi kerjasama walau apa pun jadi mesti kena pertahankan hubungan korang sekarang ni . Memang ego . Salah sorang mesti akan ego . Tapi itu gunanya tolak ansur . Tuhan ciptakan pasangan tu -tive dan +tive . Gaduh memang akan gaduh . Boleh jadi gaduh sebab jauh , gaduh sebab rindu macam sebab lagi . Kritikal satu rship tu masa dah lama sangat hubungan tu bila masing masing dah terbiasa dan lupa untuk jaga hati macam masa mula mula bercinta dulu . Sayang , bukan sehari dua dah boleh kata sayang . Sayang sendiri akan muncul dan terbit rasa dalam hati . Dan lagi satu , hubungan tu akan jadi kuat kalau salah sorang sanggup untuk tidak melepaskan walau mcm mana cara sekali pun ! 'Sayang' Terima dia seadanya ..

Saka ph semenyih

Remember me
When the days are long
You must stay strong
Remember me
Remember the times
Remeber the rhymes
Friends,the stay together
But changes like the weather
Remember me
Before i die
Remember me
But please dont you cry
Remember the time we always shared
Just tell me youve always cared
Remember the time that we always had together
And remember we will always be bestfriend forever

Pergi,bila rasa ini perlu.Berhenti,jika terasa sudah melebihi.Kembali,kerana walau hati ini lelah tapi masih menanti.Kosong.Hati ni rasa kosong.Tak mampu.Tak terdaya lagi.Lemah.Lelah.Air mata kering,tiada nilai lagi.Bila berjanji,kau mungkiri.Berjuta maaf diberi,kau masih sakiti.Tiada apa yang berubah.Hanya menanti dan melihat apa yang bakal ku tempuhi.Bukan tak suka,jauh sekali benci,tapi kadangkala fedup lalu mendiamkan diri.Bila kita buat sesuatu,tak fikir baik buruk,tiba masa jumpa akibatnya,haa jangan ditanya kenapa ...


Dear Daddy,
I’m sorry for not being a perfect daughter. I’m sorry that I sometimes have an attitude.I’m sorry I’m not an angel. I’m sorry I make you mad at me. I’m sorry I don’t appreciate you as much as I should. I’m sorry for not always doing everything you want me to. I’m sorry I argue about doing things. I’m sorry for any pain Ive ever caused you. I’m sorry for not being the daughter you’ve always wanted. But I love you Daddy, you’re the best Daddy any girl could ever have. I understand that you'd tried to give me the world, eventho you can’t. I understand that you want to keep me safe, and you want me to be happy. I’m sorry I always manage to screw up. But oh well. I’m sorry Daddy, I love you. And i hope you to be as strong as you want me to be. I know you're strong daddy. Im sorry to hear that you're not happy with 'her' after all this while. After what she did to u. But, this is a test from Allah. You have to be strong dad. Things happen for a reason. And im pretty sure Allah has a better reason for this.
Your little Girl

Moving on

Now it is the right time for me to move on . Move forward and never look back . It is the time to leave all the sickness , all the bad habits , all of the crazy madness behind . It is the right time to change . To change . Yes . Pack all my beloging to move my big ass to that bloody annoying hostel erghh . I hv to do this . I MUST ! 3 sem je lagi tinggal . Cmon syue ! You can do it ! Study is your main focus now dear brain haha . Please please my lil scumbang brain .

Mr right .

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot , who calls you back when you hang up on him , who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat , or will stay awake just to watch you sleep . wait for the boy who kisses your forehead , who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants , who holds your hand in front of his friends , who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on . One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU . The one who turns to his friends and says , "that's her" .

Future .

Setelah terepeat beberapa paper sem 2 , satu je sebenarnya . But then sem 3 punyalah pemalas nak mampus bangun pagi susah gila so sem 4 sememangnya akan merepeat paper dengan jayanya . i think semua subject kut . arghhh . So now ive make up my mind macam mana pun nak kena habiskan jugak diploma then terus kerja and get married . Well married tu cuma tambahan je . Hehe . If ada peluang maybe i will futher study but not in agro business . Maybe i should try hotel management . Memang itu yang minat dari dulu kan . Well . Please please please be nice to me dear future . In sha allah aminn !

Why MARA ?

MARA monthly allowance - RM260
From parents - RM300

Print HTR - RM 5.50x6
HTR plant - RM10
MUST GO Course dinner - RM60
Okay download and print this copy - RM4x4
Landscape - RM 4x3 + Bazooka - RM25
Comm note - RM10
Drawing marker - Rm5.50x10
Scale ruler - RM29.90
Broadband - RM100 monthly
Homaigoddd that seems delicious!- RM10 daily except monday and thursday pasar malam - RM20
In the middle of the night and snack , kriuk kriuk hungry - RM70
Hygiene - RM 100
Where the hell is my stationary ? - RM 25
Assalamualaikum ! Nak duit hostel and activity - RM10
Car rent - RM5 per hour ( By bus to kajang-3 to 4hour , Car-2hour )
Imissyou , youmissme , Class where ah ? , Hey mom - RM20x4
Hey can i use your money first ? 1+2+1+3+++ Anddddd its gone (sedekah)
Come on ah lets hangout - RM50 justtttt like that -.-
Sometimes , Eh cantiknya baju kurung ! - RM40

So MARA , why do you think that our monthly allowance you gave us is ENOUGH ? My mom is mad at me everytime i ask for moneyyyy .