Saka ph semenyih

Remember me
When the days are long
You must stay strong
Remember me
Remember the times
Remeber the rhymes
Friends,the stay together
But changes like the weather
Remember me
Before i die
Remember me
But please dont you cry
Remember the time we always shared
Just tell me youve always cared
Remember the time that we always had together
And remember we will always be bestfriend forever

Pergi,bila rasa ini perlu.Berhenti,jika terasa sudah melebihi.Kembali,kerana walau hati ini lelah tapi masih menanti.Kosong.Hati ni rasa kosong.Tak mampu.Tak terdaya lagi.Lemah.Lelah.Air mata kering,tiada nilai lagi.Bila berjanji,kau mungkiri.Berjuta maaf diberi,kau masih sakiti.Tiada apa yang berubah.Hanya menanti dan melihat apa yang bakal ku tempuhi.Bukan tak suka,jauh sekali benci,tapi kadangkala fedup lalu mendiamkan diri.Bila kita buat sesuatu,tak fikir baik buruk,tiba masa jumpa akibatnya,haa jangan ditanya kenapa ...


Dear Daddy,
I’m sorry for not being a perfect daughter. I’m sorry that I sometimes have an attitude.I’m sorry I’m not an angel. I’m sorry I make you mad at me. I’m sorry I don’t appreciate you as much as I should. I’m sorry for not always doing everything you want me to. I’m sorry I argue about doing things. I’m sorry for any pain Ive ever caused you. I’m sorry for not being the daughter you’ve always wanted. But I love you Daddy, you’re the best Daddy any girl could ever have. I understand that you'd tried to give me the world, eventho you can’t. I understand that you want to keep me safe, and you want me to be happy. I’m sorry I always manage to screw up. But oh well. I’m sorry Daddy, I love you. And i hope you to be as strong as you want me to be. I know you're strong daddy. Im sorry to hear that you're not happy with 'her' after all this while. After what she did to u. But, this is a test from Allah. You have to be strong dad. Things happen for a reason. And im pretty sure Allah has a better reason for this.
Your little Girl

Moving on

Now it is the right time for me to move on . Move forward and never look back . It is the time to leave all the sickness , all the bad habits , all of the crazy madness behind . It is the right time to change . To change . Yes . Pack all my beloging to move my big ass to that bloody annoying hostel erghh . I hv to do this . I MUST ! 3 sem je lagi tinggal . Cmon syue ! You can do it ! Study is your main focus now dear brain haha . Please please my lil scumbang brain .

Mr right .

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot , who calls you back when you hang up on him , who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat , or will stay awake just to watch you sleep . wait for the boy who kisses your forehead , who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants , who holds your hand in front of his friends , who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on . One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU . The one who turns to his friends and says , "that's her" .